Light Effects - Light Shining thru Clouds

from You Tube video PTC - How to Create Light Beams
before and after

start with brush tool and color set to white
create new layer
paint with white in area where you want sun to be shining through behind the clouds
change blend mode to linear dodge add
double click on layer to use layer styles
in blending modes under blend if option and underlying layer sliders
drag the shadows slider to the right, hold option to split arrow and fine tune to blend edges more
can move the light source if needed
the edges are still too sharp, so with soft larger brush paint over a larger area, then can scale it down using ctl+T to transform and sft+opt to transform from all sides and scale it down and distort if needed
adjust the sliders in layers style again if needed
now you have the sun peeking out from behind the clouds

to make the rays
create new layer
with brush tool, open brushes panel, increase size jitter, scattering and spacing and hardness all the way up
paint some light streaks

filter - blur - radial blur - zoom - 100% and place where you think center of light source is, can redo if need to
cmd+F to redo last filter, do this several times to increase blur
add layer mask and paint with black where you want to erase the streaks
can duplicate layer cmd+J to increase the effect and reduce fill to adjust

another technique for the same effect is
after you add the sun layer
on a new blank layer, with foreground and background set to b&w
filter - render - clouds, if you hold option and do the same thing the clouds will have more contrast
bring down fill opacity
use elliptical marquee tool to make a selection around where you want to rays and add a layer mask, bring opacity back to 100%

with layer mask selected in properties panel feather the selection
right click on layer mask and choose apply layer mask
filter - blur - radial blur
cmd+F a few times
blend mode to screen
can add levels adj layer and adjust
add layer mask to erase rays where you don't want them


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