
Showing posts from September, 2019

Edge of the World

notes from a Daily Creative Challenge video on Behance starting image convert to smart object then control + click and choose new smart object via copy (this copies the smart object but allows you to edit separately) named the top layer mirror and bottom layer image flip the mirror layer horizontally (command+T to free transform then control+click and choose flip horizontal) then rotate 90 degrees clockwise (command+T to free transform then control+click and choose rotate 90 clockwise) and drag the edges of image to the left edge hide image layer on mirror image, use polygonal lasso tool to make a horizontal selection of image add layer mask and invert it (cmd+I) unhide image layer hold shift while using the move tool to move mirror image to the right (holding shift constrains position vertically and proportion) unlink the mask on mirror la...

Fantasy Worlds

notes based on Photoshop Master Class by Paul Trani on Behance the pictures that work best are panorama with a consistent sky turn it into a square by going to image-image size and make height and width the same (whichever side is smaller, make both sides that size) uncheck linked symbol     rotate it by image-image rotation-flip canvas vertical or cmd+T then right click and choose flip vertical duplicate layer filter-distort-polar coordinates with rectangular to polar picked cover up the seam by duplicating layer rotating it some then add a layer mask - fill with black paint with white to reveal some of bottom layer to blend the seam better to add a better background with clouds bring in a cloud image and repeat steps to make circular free transform to size and rotate on the city layer - select city - add mask by clicking mask icon dr...


notes from Woody Walters Photoshop Tip of the week its good to visualize how you want the final scene to look when you photograph the background original image duplicate image adjust canvas size (he used 24 by 11.5) free transform to fit transform - distort to fix vertical lines to straight makes copy of that layer with those changes change blend mode of new layer to multiply add mask and paint with black at 20% or so and paint where you want to bring back some detail (see mask)     floor shadows were still to bright, so he duplicated that layer, which darkens everything with gradient tool use linear gradient on the mask to fill everything but the floor and adjust as needed now he adjusts color he wants to get rid of purple in areas so he makes a merged copy of all layers (shift+command+option+E) then uses brush tool set to color he likes in the ph...

Understanding Double Exposures

notes on PTC tutorial Double Exposure Effect on YouTube image of man with white background add cityscape image easiest way to create double exposure is to change blending mode of top layer to lighten this doesn't give a lot of options, so here are some more ways create group and place at bottom of layer stack in that group add black & white adjustment layer add exposure layer duplicate that group rename groups - name one top image and one bottom image drag man layer to bottom of the bottom group and the city to bottom of top group select top image group change blending mode to lighten the black and white adjustment layers allows you to adjust to black and white versions the exposure adjustment layers allow you to control the luminance values of the image the lighten blending mode tells photoshop to look at both layers (the man and the city) and keep the ...

Double Exposure 2

I just used stock images I found online open image of model select model and feather selection as needed with selection active cmd+J to add selection on new layer can delete original layer use crop tool to expand canvas as needed add solid color fill layer below adjust to color you want desaturate model layer (cmd+U) open second image opacity to 50% to move and adjust where you want that layer in relation to model then change opacity back to 100% command+click on model layer mask to select it then with mountain layer selected - click mask duplicate model layer (cmd+J) and put on top of layer stack blending mode to lighten turn down opacity add layer mask on top model layer paint with black with medium opacity to paint out where you want to hide parts of the model on the layer mask of mountain layer paint with black where you want more of the model to show through change color of background solid color layer by selecting a color form the image dupli...

Artistic Selfie

notes from Behance Daily Creative Challenge by she started with a portrait named that layer before use quick selection tool to select the face/head of subject refine as needed and layer mask add background layer under subject layer and fill with solid color duplicate subject layer and convert to smart object hide original subject layer use lasso tool to select part of the top of his head add layer mask and invert (or hold option as you click layer mask to automatically create inverted mask) select the bottom section of face with the lasso tool and with mask selected, fill it with black duplicate that layer and with mask selected, invert it hide the middle layer with top layer mask selected, use lasso tool to select top of head and fill with black deselect reveal middle layer free transform top layer with bottom of face as you want and so the same to the middle layer which is middle of face on the middle layer, command + click to load as a selection ...