Edge of the World
notes from a Daily Creative Challenge video on Behance https://www.behance.net/live/videos/3289/Photoshop-Daily-Creative-Challenge-Holiday-Postcard?tracking_source=to_replay starting image convert to smart object then control + click and choose new smart object via copy (this copies the smart object but allows you to edit separately) named the top layer mirror and bottom layer image flip the mirror layer horizontally (command+T to free transform then control+click and choose flip horizontal) then rotate 90 degrees clockwise (command+T to free transform then control+click and choose rotate 90 clockwise) and drag the edges of image to the left edge hide image layer on mirror image, use polygonal lasso tool to make a horizontal selection of image add layer mask and invert it (cmd+I) unhide image layer hold shift while using the move tool to move mirror image to the right (holding shift constrains position vertically and proportion) unlink the mask on mirror la...