
notes from Woody Walters Photoshop Tip of the week

its good to visualize how you want the final scene to look when you photograph the background

original image

duplicate image
adjust canvas size (he used 24 by 11.5)
free transform to fit
transform - distort to fix vertical lines to straight

makes copy of that layer with those changes

change blend mode of new layer to multiply
add mask and paint with black at 20% or so and paint where you want to bring back some detail
(see mask)

floor shadows were still to bright, so he duplicated that layer, which darkens everything
with gradient tool use linear gradient on the mask to fill everything but the floor and adjust as needed

now he adjusts color
he wants to get rid of purple in areas
so he makes a merged copy of all layers (shift+command+option+E)
then uses brush tool set to color he likes in the photo and set to color mode and paints where he wants to adjust tone from purple to more brown

now he corrects the hot spots so they don't draw your eye to where he doesn't want it to
uses clone tool set to darken and paints over the hot spots he wants to hide
(notice the windows on the left, right and center)

this is his final image

my before and after


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