Understanding Double Exposures

notes on PTC tutorial Double Exposure Effect on YouTube


image of man with white background

add cityscape image

easiest way to create double exposure is to change blending mode of top layer to lighten

this doesn't give a lot of options, so here are some more ways

create group and place at bottom of layer stack
in that group
add black & white adjustment layer
add exposure layer

duplicate that group

rename groups - name one top image and one bottom image

drag man layer to bottom of the bottom group
and the city to bottom of top group

select top image group
change blending mode to lighten

the black and white adjustment layers allows you to adjust to black and white versions
the exposure adjustment layers allow you to control the luminance values of the image

the lighten blending mode tells photoshop to look at both layers (the man and the city)
and keep the pixel that is the lightest between the two
so with the exposure adjustment layer you can control how much shows thru
in the city group, if you drag exposure slider to left, the pixels get darker, more of the man image will show thru because they are lighter pixels than the city image. but if you drag the slider right and make the city image lighter, less of the image will show and eventually turn all white because white is lighter than any pixel in the image below.

so you can control how the pixels between each layer blends

on the man group, if you drag exposure to the left, the background becomes dark and more of the city will show thru, to the right the pixels will get lighter and hide more because white is lighter than image above

the black and white adjustment layers control the luminance values of the image based on its original color.
for example, in the man group, his jacket was blue, so if you drag blue slider left to make the blue pixels darker, they will become invisible and the backgound (lighter pixels will show thru) and the opposite will happen if you drag it to the right and the jacket becomes lighter, so those pixels are the ones that will show thru

so now you can selectively adjust specific colors and control how it blends in the double exposure

you can use different adjustment layers to control luminance such as curve, levels, add layer masks and paint in where you want the effect

ways to enhance the image to add gradient map adjustment layer on top of layer stack
also you can disable one or both b & w adj layers, or adjust opacity
or dupl. city layer, drag new layer outside group, change blending mode to color filter
or select all layers and convert to smart object - filter - camera raw filter - and stylize as you want
(he increased sharpening and dehaze, added grain, added contrast and clarity)

his final image

here is my version


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