Red Effect like Red Sparrow and TWD

these are notes based on a YouTube video by Lisa Carney at Adobe Max 2018

Red Sparrow - stock image
put inspiration image in corner
used gradient map she made, selecting dark and light points
from inspiration image

For Walking Dead poster, same idea, just select and mask subject
then clip gradient mask to subject layer

then also used an action for a luminance mask which auto makes channels
for highlights and shadows, then with channels panel open, hold cmd and click
brightest highlights to load as selection.

On gradient map layer mask, paint
with large black brush to erase some of the red from that area

I tried to figure out how she did this, rewatched that part over and over, but still couldn't get it right. I don't have a luminosity mask action, so I was trying to do it with one of the methods mentioned by Unmesh Dinda in his youtube luminosity videos. I have a blog post on that also.;postID=6230526750618260023;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=postname

I ended up doing blend if on the gradient map layer to affect the highlights less.

finally figured out how to do it, by downloading a luminosity mask action from this website

here is my version done that way


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