Glowing Edges

Glowing Edges Effect

(these are notes I took on a YouTube video by Lisa Carney at Adobe Max 2018)

* this effect is resolution dependent, meaning if you make it
on a small image and try to scale up the numbers won't scale

Final Effect

start with adobe stock image
added rim light like before
here is the link to that blog;postID=3018652197383151729;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=6;src=postname

added hair paint

make merged copy(shift+option+command+E)
convert to smart object
filter-stylize-glowing edges

set blend mode to screen
add layer mask filled with black
paint with white where you want the effect

* can hold option and drag a smart filter

glowing edges layer needs to be clipped to subject layer

can also add blur filter set at low value to smart filter
* hold option and click on smart filter and you can edit or
adjust opacity for just one of the smart filters

can also add a color correction on top

Here is my version using a flower


and after


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